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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Landscaping 105

I'm finally done planting the 'Creeping' Myrtle on my backyard hillside. I'm doing this to provide a simple ground covering so I don't have to deal with weeding or mowing the hillside plus it will keep the hillside from eroding. I acquire the Myrtle from the side of the road out by my parents house about 30 miles away. It grows wild out there so I just dig it up and replant it here. This is the main reason I have planted it in so thick ... it's free. It usually sells for about $9.99/ft2 at Home Depot. If I was paying for it, I definitely would have planted it in more scarcely but since it is free, I felt why wait for it to fill in over the years ....


superbowlandpussycat said...

looks great!!!

J (Son et Lumiere) ... said...

Thanks! I planted for 3 hours straight last night. Today, I can't move ... but it's finally done.

Evil Genius said...

Free myrtle! That is so brilliant it should be illegal. Looks great.

Cecile said...

Long journey starts with a small step. It's good you have your made your first move to landscaping. I love to see when you have finished and how this transforms your place.

snohomish landscaping